Call for Ideas
Do you have an idea for how rail transit could change Kansas City?
We want to hear from you!
We want to show the people of Kansas City how the future will be transformed through innovative infrastructure investments in transportation, urban design and architecture. Selected submissions will be featured on the Transform Kansas City website and included in an exhibition at Union Station for the month of October 2013.
Submissions will be accepted in each of the following categories:
1. New Ideas
Show us new ways of thinking about rail transit. No idea is too big, too novel or too out there.
2. Existing Projects and Designs
Show us examples of other areas in the world that have successfully implemented rail-based urban planning projects, transit-oriented developments, and modern transportation hubs.
3. Documentaries
Show us how rail transit has transformed communities across the globe and how those transformations can inform Kansas City’s future.
4. Designs for Union Station
Show us your original designs for Kansas City’s Union Station as a regional transportation hub.
Selected entries will:
• Be part of the primary exhibition opening on October 5, 2013 at Kansas City’s Union Station.
• Be showcased across Kansas City, Missouri, the United States, and the world.
• Be used in galleries, at community events, during panel discussions, and other public displays to promote the transformative potential of rail by the Transform Kansas City.
• Be featured on the Transform Kansas City website for the life of the initiative as a public information resource.
From May 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013, you can submit your ideas to Transform Kansas City. Please begin the submission process for the International Call for Ideas by clicking on the button below, and then upload your work to our DropBox. It is as simple as that.
By submitting these images, videos and/or content, I represent that I have read all of the Terms and Conditions below and that I hold the lawful copyrights or I have received permission from the copyright holder to submit the content. I also grant Transform Kansas City (a joint effort of the Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance and the American Institute of Architects Kansas City Chapter), permission to use these images for any lawful purpose without notice or compensation.
Terms & Conditions of Submission
By submitting images, videos and any other content to Transform Kansas City, you represent that you hold the lawful copyrights to those items, or that you have received permission from the copyright holder to submit the content. You also grant Transform Kansas City permission to use the content you submit for any lawful purpose without notice or compensation.
The materials received through the Call for Ideas submission process will be exhibited in an initial kick-off event, used to inspire and for general event promotion.
Any submissions deemed offensive, inappropriate or irrelevant for any reason will be ineligible for inclusion on the website or in the exhibition.
Transform Kansas City and its partners reserve the right to select or reject individual entries at its discretion. Transform Kansas City will make every effort to display as many entries as possible. Submission of materials does not guarantee their placement on the Transform Kansas City website or in the exhibition.
Transform Kansas City is unable to return submitted materials.
Digital submissions hereby certify that permission has been obtained from all necessary parties, including the owner and photographer, to exhibit and publish materials, photographs and information regarding this project. The undersigned entrant hereby releases to and authorizes Transform Kansas City to publish the entry or any part thereof in any medium, including the World Wide Web. Transform Kansas City will not assume responsibility for any copyright or photographic fees.
The entrant confirms that this entry meets the eligibility requirements as stated. The entrant has reviewed the information shown above for completeness and accuracy for use in publicity releases for newspapers and magazines. The entrant verifies that the entry is entirely the work of those listed in their submission.
The entrant understands that if this project is selected for use in either the website or the exhibtiion, he/she will provide additional quality images upon request in a timely manner for printed and/or digital promotion as needed. If the entrant does not supply these images when requested, he/she forgoes the opportunities for promotion.
The entrant declares that he/she does not employ unpaid intern architects and neither does any practice of which he/she is an owner or manager.
The entrant into the Transform Kansas City Call for Ideas hereby accepts and acknowledges that the awards are retrospective in nature and based on a subjective evaluation of our partners, and that an entrant has no right, contractual or otherwise, to be recognized as a winner.
The entrant into the Transform Kansas City Call for Ideas hereby accepts and acknowledges that KCRTA are under no obligation to grant awards to any entrant or display their work.
The entrant hereby accepts and acknowledges that the decisions in selecting the Transform Kansas City Call for Ideas are final and non-appealable.
The entrant into the Transform Kansas City Call for Ideas hereby accepts and acknowledges that the KCRTA or its partners are under no obligation to grant awards in each category submitted.
The entrant will indemnify the Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance (KCRTA) and will hold KCRTA harmless from, against and in respect of any and all liabilities, damages, losses, deficiencies, costs, judgments, amounts paid in settlement, interest, penalties, assessments and out-of-pocket expenses (including attorneys’ fees and the costs of KCRTA staff) incurred in connection with or arising out of the defense of or any proceeding with respect to any claims, whether accrued, contingent or otherwise incurred in connection with or arising out of the entrant’s entry into the Transform Kansas City Call for Ideas.
In the event the entrant attempts to bring any sort of legal claim or proceeding against the KCRTA, its board members, or any member of the Transform Kansas City program, in the event that the entrant does not prevail in any way with the claim, the entrant must reimburse the individuals involved in the legal claim or proceeding at their customary, professional hourly rate.
KCRTA reserves the right to refuse entry to any competitor for any reason.
Copyright Infringement Claims
If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide Transform Kansas’s copyright agent the written information specified below. Please note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying Transform Kansas City that your copyrighted material has been infringed.
• An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest;
• A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon;
• A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site;
• Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
• A statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.
Transform Kansas’s Copyright Agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement can be reached as follows:
Gunnar Hand, AICP
Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance, Board Member
1000 Walnut Street, Suite 224
Kansas City, MO 64106
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