All TransformKC Exhibitons
Together with its partners, TransformKC used the submissions from its International Call for Ideas to curate a traveling exhibition around the Kansas City metropolitan region. The interactive, multi-media exhibition spent nearly two years in various exhibitions at Union Station, the Jackson County Courthouse, the Kansas City Design Center, the National Frontier Trails Museum in Independence, Missouri, Better Block KC in Westport, and the University of Kansas’ Forum at Marvin Hall.
Marvin Hall
Transform Kansas City hosted its sixth and final exhibition at the new Forum on the campus of the University of Kansas’ Marvin Hall. After over a year of shows, the exhibit will be retired at the Kansas Design Center (KCDC) and Union Station. More…
Better Block KC
TransformKC participated in Better Block KC for its fifth exhibition for one day only on Saturday, October 18, 2104 at the intersection of Broadway and 40th Terrace in the historic Westport area. Fitting that the transformKC exhibition moved from the National Frontier Trails Museum, to an area that during America’s Western expansion was the final supply stop in the region for the California, Santa Fe and Oregon trails. More…
National Frontier Trails Museum
TransformKC hosted its fourth exhibition in the main lobby and special exhibition hall at the National Frontier Trails Museum. The Museum is adjacent to a potential commuter rail line and down the street from the City of Independence, Missouri’s Amtrak station; a perfect location and institution to talk about connectivity and transportation. More…
Kansas City Design Center
TransformKC hosted its third exhibition at the Kansas City Design Center. Over this month long showing, KCDC hosted several events in and around the exhibition, including its final open house and jury, as well as the annual Eco Abet charrette. TransformKC was pleased to play a back drop for these important community conversations and meetings about the design of our city. More…
Jackson County Courthouse
TransformKC held its second exhibition in the main lobby and second floor atrium of the Jackson County, Missouri Courthouse. The opening ceremony included an acknowledgement of the exhibit by the Jackson County legislature, who has been instrumental in their leadership for a regional commuter rail system. More…
Union Station
TransformKC hosted its inaugural exhibition in the East Hall of Kansas City, Missouri’s historic Union Station. As part of the month long festivities that coincided with the exhibit, opening night was supported by the Better Block KC annual celebration, which developed a temporary streetcar stop during the Crossroads Arts District’s First Fridays events. More…
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