Exhibition at the Kansas City Design Center
TransformKC hosted its third exhibition at the Kansas City Design Center. Over this month long showing, KCDC hosted several events in and around the exhibition, including its final open house and jury, as well as the annual Eco Abet charrette. TransformKC was pleased to play a back drop for these important community conversations and meetings about the design of our city.
All of the submissions within the exhibition are meant to inspire and elevate the public discourse around the transformative power of smart, sustainable transportation investments. With the exposure and events over the multi-year traveling exhibit, many of the ideas presented represent an opportunity to change the public’s perception of the future of the City and show the benefits of public transit.
The exhibition at the Kansas City Design Center is the culmination of TransformKC’s International Call for Ideas that gathered some of the greatest urban design and transit projects from around the world. TransformKC intends to inspire the public imagination about regional mobility by showcasing built and unbuilt work that links rail-based transit to the design of our cities.
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